June 14, 2008

What Happens When Christians Are Honest

This is a brilliant example of what happens when christians honestly answer questions put to them. granted the caller answered honestly because he lacked the intellect to understand what an honest answer would do to his argument, But none the less, He answered honestly and dismantled his own case for the existence of god all by himself.


  1. that's awesome. it's great that he acknowledged that their first point was valid, but the fact that he gave in so easily suggests how little he thinks about what he's being taught in church.

  2. That was great. Too bad the sound was so bad due to the hosts yelling into the mics. I don't blame them for being excited, but they hurt what could have been an excellent viral video.

  3. This is exactly why christians are dishonest liars and always evade questions.

  4. Loved it. I only hope that the caller (and his twelve kids - must be Catholic I guess) took the time after the call ended to ponder over what had just been said. Maybe he might actually start thinking critically about his worldview.

    Then again, I doubt it.

  5. *laughs* I love the atheist experience i listen to the podcast nearly every week and the Non-Prophets.
